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The Baby Registry + Must-Have Baby Items (Year One)

I distinctly remember attempting to start my baby registry on so many different occasions. I tried and failed to even begin over and over again. And I know exactly why...

Reason #1: I had no idea where to start. I remember my husband asking me so many freakin' questions... none of which I had the answer to! He wasn't amused when I'd shrug and say, "Don't know, dude. I've never had a baby." Thank God for Google and Pinterest!

Reason #2: I thought I would jinx myself. Seriously. I was afraid that the very moment I added the first item to the registry, I was going to lose my baby. And by adding that first item, I was letting my walls down;  I was lowering my guard. And if I lowered my guard, I would no longer be prepared to protect my baby or myself (and my heart). I know how it sounds, but I was fucking terrified. To add that first item to the baby registry meant that I would outwardly and publicly have hope

I was scared to have hope through the entire first half of my pregnancy. After all we had gone through, I was convinced I was going to lose Finley. Our IVF cycle went so well, it HAD to be too good to be true, right? I had a difficult time accepting the blessings we were receiving. It felt like we somehow cheated the system. As soon as we were found out, it would all be ripped away. 

I also didn't feel like I was deserving of a child... at least not that easily. I had heard story after story about couples struggling for years, going through multiple rounds of IVF, going into debt, and enduring insurmountable heartbreak. And we lucked out on the first try?! That's not right nor fair; my pregnancy must have been some kind of cosmic mistake. 

"Don't get your hopes up, Jessie," I'd tell myself repeatedly. But a friend reminded me that a life without hope is no way to live! And she's right. So I started the damn registry. 

In the first year of being parents, here are the items that we actually used (and loved!):

Creating your registry is such a milestone! It seems like a big undertaking, but it can be really fun. I hope you love these products as much as I do! If you get any of them (or have them already), I'd love to hear what you think.

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